Sunday, February 27, 2011

Third-Hand Sandwich

On Friday evening my sweet neighbor called me to see if we had eaten dinner.  Her boyfriend had picked up a gourmet sandwich to take with him on his way out of town but had forgotten to take it with him.  She didn't want it, but she thought we might.  Hating to waste and loving yummy sandwiches, I told her we'd be happy to take it.  After all, I also think it's in the neighbor code book to share; I have tried to pawn off such things on our neighbors as the large packages of cole slaw we didn't use for Luke's 1st bday party and the overabundance of mint growing in our herb garden. 

Little did I know it would begin to sound like a Seinfeld episode...

My parents were just getting into town when we acquired the sandwich, and they had not yet eaten.  I eagerly offered them the sandwich.  They declined my offer.  Instead we met them for Mexican food, and I figured we'd eat the sandwich the next day.  I talked about it with enthusiasm on the way home, and Jeff finally turned to me and said, "Brandi, nobody wants your third-hand sandwich." 

Third-hand sandwich?!?  How funny!!!  That made me laugh and laugh.  Still, the sandwich remained.  We had Chipotle for lunch the next day and chicken fried steak for dinner.  I offered the sandwich again for breakfast this morning, and still no takers.  My mom started to laugh every time I offered it.  By now I was getting afraid that the sandwich would be wasted on my watch--GASP!

Then my mom started to really make me laugh.  She said if I didn't want it she could take it to one of her coworkers, who loves sandwiches, and she could give it to her daughter, who loves sandwiches even more.  I could imagine the little girl saying, "I got this sandwich from my mom's coworker's daughter's neighbor's boyfriend."  Talk about degrees of seperation! 

Anyway, we finally ate the sandwich for lunch today.  And it was still yummy.  So thanks, Vonda and Sheldon.  You guys are wonderful neighbors!

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