Tuesday, March 1, 2011

February: One Last Look

I almost forgot!  Luke was Mr. February!!! 

Because Jeff's company produces/manufactures/makes chemicals, the entire company is very big on safety.  Wait...isn't carpal tunnel the only peril that might befall a hard working accountant?!?  Not necessarily.  ESHA makes appearances frequently to the office, and Jeff has to get a certain number of "safety points" each year, including getting his desk chair checked to make sure he's not uncomfortable.  I'm trivializing it here, and I really don't mean to.  It's important, and I'm glad that my hubby and his entire family of coworkers are taking safety seriously.  (Even though I'm a little bitter that the entire time I worked at ___ ______ High School nobody ever seemed concerned about my safety.  The only way I got rid of the broken 1960's chair that was at my desk was to change classrooms, hide the chair in the teacher's lounge, and pretend I had never seen it before when people asked if I knew where it came from.)

Anyway, each year Jeff's company gets the employees' kids involved with a calendar/art contest.  Last year we just missed the entry deadline (because Luke came three days after his due date), even though we had the hospital nurses take cute little prints of Luke's feet and put under them a caption about getting fingerprinted in case a bad guy gets you or something like that...  So this year, Luke colored the picture of fire.  His medium of choice was finger paint.  And his picture was chosen to represent February.  (And I'm positively sure it had everything to do with Luke's creative vision and nothing to do with Jeff's position as safety chair for the Dallas office.  Hehe!)

So here's the masterpiece that Luke created when he was 8 months old.

Anyway, I thought if I didn't get the items in the blog I'd end up hoarding the whole calendar for years to come, wondering if I should be keeping it. 

So on to March.  We hope it's a happy March for you and yours!

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