Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Does Ft. Worth Ever Cross Your Mind?

We  spent Saturday afternoon in Fort Worth with Mimi & Grandpa and Aunt Megan & Uncle Kelly.  Strangely, I felt somewhat like a tourist.  When we got home I looked at my sister's FB posting, and she also commented on life as a tourist in Ft. Worth.  So that got me thinking...

It's been over 600 days since I've been on an airplane!  Booooo! 

And since airline travel is apparently (temporarily, we hope!) off of our radar, maybe I should start paying more attention to the so-called "stay"cation.  So I think it's time to define some peramters.  What exactly makes a vacation? 

I'm sure it's different for everyone.  But for me, there are certain elements required to meet my idea of an ideal vacation. Here are just a few:

  1. There really should be some element of transportation.  Car travel is fine. But we have to go there.
  2. There must be at least one meal of food particular to the place.  You know, eating like the locals...
  3. Some serendipitous instance of entertainment should occur.  We love things that we don't plan on and don't pay for, but that we can't wait to tell people about.
  4. We also love to come home with one picture we wouldn't mind framing and hanging on the wall. 
  5. Not to mention the "life is good!" moment, or the "please make time stand still so I don't have to leave this moment" moment.
  6. And a sense of adventure.  The idea that we don't know what's around the corner, but we're interested in finding out...
That's just a partial list.  But those things make a vacation a little sweeter.  And what about those trips that don't include the elements above?  Well, they're nice, too.

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