This afternoon, a routine art activity turned into a science project. I just love "teachable" moments!
Luke and I grabbed some paper and colors and went outside. He was getting fussy, and we both needed some fresh air. Luke sat at his little picnic table, and I grabbed a couple of leaves off of our Indian Hawthorne. When I got back to the paper, Luke was already coloring, which was a good sign that he was interested. I breathed a sigh of relief.
I showed him how to put the leaves down under the paper and rub over them with the crayon, and he thought that was pretty neat. We colored a little bit, and then we grabbed a couple more leaves off a nearby plant. Then the very cool thing happened. Luke got up, looked around, and went to the plant with the long, skinny leaves that looked different from all the others. I was so impressed! My little boy was using his scientist skills! He wanted to know what it would look like if we colored with a big leaf! This teacher-mama was so proud. :)
So the coloring went on. And, of course, the leaf-picking. Now I just hope I don't walk outside again next time to find a bunch of leafless plants. :-)
What a great idea! I've seen it done at the museum, but thought that perhaps it wouldn't happen until she was older...but seeing Luke do it now makes me eager to try it too!
ReplyDelete(Then again, with a teacher momma, Luke might be more ready for it!)