Monday, September 19, 2011

Bedding Crisis Averted, Fundraiser Begun

Well, I think I solved our bedding dilemma.  In case you missed the last blog post, we're transitioning Luke's room into a "big boy" room, and we're doing it fairly quickly, because my new baby nephew Austin is going to take a turn at loving our pirate bedding for a while.  While I've got to make the decision quickly, the timing is perfect.  I've learned that infant bedding far outlasts the infant stage of childhood, and I'm thrilled that my sister can get a couple more years' use of the fairly costly set. 

When I last posted I was frantically searching for girl crib bedding to coordinate with the toddler bedding I had picked out for Luke, lest I have to shop for bedding again in the foreseeable future.  And I was doing it all for my hypothetical little girl, who is but a glimmer of potential at this point.  Again:  I'm not pregnant.

In case you didn't realize it, there is a whole industry looking to sell more things to unwitting new parents than they will ever need.  We realized when we were shopping for new car seats that our friends, who had purchased the 32 lb carriers instead of the 22 lb carrier we purchased (and paid more for--grrr), had a good six months left before they had to begin the search.  That has bugged me, and it has made me more savvy in the baby/kid shopping department.

But rest assured!! 

Last night I found the most amazing website.  It's by a company called Carousel Designs.  Click here to check out their website.  It's so beautiful.  You pick out the colors and fabrics you want, and you drag them and drop them into their model bed.  You even select the wall color, floor texture/color, and furniture color so your bedding designs look more real.  Delicious!! 

I realized I could go with whatever toddler bedding I want for Luke, and, should a baby girl ever grace our household, I can customize my own beautiful bedding to coordinate with Luke's toddler bedding--but to be as girly, soft, and sweet as I want it to be.  So, crisis averted.  It's expensive, though, so I may have to start naming her baby rights now to get the money.  Haha.  I'm just excited that there's this option I didn't realize existed.

On the other hand, if we have a boy one day, we can simply click a button and order the same adorable set as Luke's toddler bedding, but in a crib set. 

Hmmm...seems a lot easier.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Totally cute stuff! I've bookmarked know...just in case

