Sunday, August 28, 2011

Luke's Lens

A little while ago, my friend Jenn posted some pics her sweet toddler took with the family's camera, and I had to admit to being jealous, because I couldn't get Luke to take his finger off the lense when he snapped his pics.


Well, we finally got the finger to come off the lense, and here's a sampling of some of the pics Luke has taken in the past week.

First, we have the self-portrait.  Nice, huh?!  :)

And we have a couple of the house.  This first pic is clearly a start; Martha Stewart Living should be calling anytime.  Haha!

Yes, the finger is still covering the lense a little in this next pic.  But look--it's my whole face!  Go Luke!!

Finally, my favorite picture.  Look at those adorable little feet!  So sweet!!!  Mommy loves you, Luke.  :)


  1. Awesome!

    Now I'm jealous because the only pictures Brylee takes is of herself, no house. But then again, seeing her silly smiles when she accomplishes those self portraits are pretty priceless!

    Way to go Luke! I see a great hobby in your future!

  2. Jenn--I love the pics you've posted of Brylee's sweet smile. :). And I remember recently my mom squealing with delight: "He got my whole body in the pic he took! My head too even!!" (And it goes without saying, but I'm so glad these pics are digital and not film prints we're finding after we pick them up from the developer.)
