I love to cook with herbs. It probably stems from my weird desire to eat grass when I was a kid, but I actually love that I can pick something from the garden and have it transform dinner in a matter of minutes.
A few years ago Jeff built me a nice little box to contain all my herbs, and it's been very useful. Except I'm being evicted now, because Jeff is ready to put a playset for Luke where my herb garden has lived so nicely.
So, this year the herbs went in pots. And I'm pretty glad because of one particular herb: MINT. Have you ever planted mint? It can get out of control! The mint plant I planted three or four years ago has worked its way across the whole garden box, out of the box, and even out of the bed containing the box. We have mint in our yard! And, in my opinion, mint is really only useful for making mojitos (If you have another use--or if you need some mint of your own--let me know!). If I used all the mint I'd be so drunk! Haha!
Basically, the mint started life as one very tiny plant in the middle of the box. Every green bush in the box--and all those outside the box--and outside the bed--should be gone!
My "Pizza" pot. There's basil, tomato, and peppers, all waiting to grow up big and be part of a yummy pizza or pasta dish. Caprese salad = yummmmy! (I actually have two "Pizza" pots, because if there was such a thing as a tomatotarian I'd be one--and I'd eat basil on the tomatoes just because I could!) |
Mint's new home: a house with impenetrable walls. |
I am very optimistic about this year's cilantro. I've never been able to get cilantro to grow, and it's just about my favorite herb (avocado enchiladas, anyone?!?). I've decided that if I could get this plant to grow to the same size as one of the bunches in the store I'll be happy (Even though I need about 10 bunches to recoup my losses...). |
And the coolest container of all?!? The "Scarborough Fair" pot! Cheesy alert: From the top, clockwise, actually are parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. Parsley's a no-brainer for pasta, sage is good for pumpkin sauce, rosemary is amazing on grilled corn, and I have no idea what to do with thyme. But they are true loves of mine. (J/K!)
Got any ideas for what I can do/cook with my herbs? Let me know! |
I love the idea of having an herb garden someday! I have never used a lot of it while cooking, but of course with it growing fresh within reach, that would most likely change!